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Nanga Mai Awards 2022
16 Dec 2022
Celebrate the achievements of students, colleagues and peers for excellence in Aboriginal education. The Nanga Mai Awards celebrates an...
The Campbelltown SRSP provides learning support for students from within South West and Regional South, whilst on long suspension from their home school. .
The SRSP is staffed by a Classroom Teacher and a School Learning Support Officer. Students attend the SRSP between 9.30am and 11.30am each day.
Learning Environment: Provides age appropriate curriculum, delivered through personalised online and face to face learning. A focus on social skills and resilience building are embedded in the learning program. Students are given time to reflect upon their behaviours that have impacted on their learning. Staff work with them around identifying strategies and developing a personalised 'tool kit' that they can draw upon to self regulate in a positive manner. Students will be given the opportunity to complete assigned assessment tasks from their home school when required.
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